

Modular Urban Backpack from Ember Equipment
10 years ago

Modular Urban Backpack from Ember Equipment

By  •  Tech, Travel

We’ve written about a number of Kickstarter projects before – the HuMn Wallet, Hydrogen-1 shoes and most recently Modify Watches. If you’re not familiar with the website and the concept, …
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Scrubba Review
11 years ago

Scrubba Review

By  •  Travel, Quick Take

First Impressions

The Scrubba arrived at GearGuide without much fan fare. It’s an interesting concept, billed as the “only washing machine you can carry” or something like that. Cool, I …
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Commuter Backpack Reviews
11 years ago

Commuter Backpack Reviews

By  •  Travel, Tech

This summer, the GearGuide crew find ourselves more often on the streets of San Francisco than the Sierra Mountains. A bummer to be sure, but fun nonetheless. We also had …
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Chrome Barrage Cargo Commuter Pack Review
11 years ago

Chrome Barrage Cargo Commuter Pack Review

By  •  Travel, Tech

First Impressions

Looking like it’s ready to storm a Normandy beach, the Chrome Barrage Cargo Pack just might have what it takes. Chrome constructs it from “military grade” materials and …
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STM Impulse Commuter Pack Review
11 years ago

STM Impulse Commuter Pack Review

By  •  Travel, Tech

First Impressions

The Aussies are at it again, this time in the commuter pack area. We recently reviewed a camera bag from Australian company Crumpler. And now we’re looking at …
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Polar Bottle ThermaLuxe Bottle Review
11 years ago

Polar Bottle ThermaLuxe Bottle Review

By  •  Travel, Quick Take

Quick Take Review

Back in October, we published a review of the Polar Bottle 20 – one of the company’s original insulated sports bottles. We were definitely impressed with the …
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